Samurai Mini Smoke Alarm Recall
In cooperation with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) , Samurai is voluntarily recalling its Samurai Mini Smoke Alarm. The affected product sold has the model number of SM1. They were sold during July 2020 through November 2024.
The smoke alarms can malfunction and fail to alert consumers of a fire, posing a risk of smoke inhalation or death. Samurai is offering a free replacement to all registered customers. Your safety and that of your family is our priority. We strongly urge you to register below and participate in this recall.

FAQs for Recall of Samurai Mini Smoke Alarms
How is Three61, the owner of the Samurai brand, making this right?
Three61, the owner of the Samurai brand, is offering you a free replacement alarm, which has been reviewed and approved by U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
What is the issue with the products?
The smoke alarms can malfunction and fail to alert consumers of a fire, posing a risk of smoke inhalation or death. Smoke sensitivity tests performed on the alarms by CPSC found that one of the detectors that was tested failed to alert when exposed to pre-determined concentrations of smoke.
How many products are subject to the recall?
Approximately 328,000 units are subject to the recall in the United States. The recalled smoke alarms were sold exclusively at HSN in packages of 1, 2, or 3 units. Some smoke alarms were also sold with a carbon monoxide detector. The carbon monoxide detector is not included in this recall.
How will the replacement address the issue?
The replacement model has been reviewed and approved by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission as acceptable.
How do I register?
Important: You should keep the recalled smoke alarms installed until receiving the replacement alarm. Consumers should install the replacement alarms immediately upon receiving them.
To register, consumers must write “Recalled” with a permanent marker on the smoke alarm. Write "Recalled" on the same side as the word SMOKE is displayed on the bottom of the alarm.
If the alarm is installed at a higher location, please proceed with caution while writing on the alarm. You should have another adult nearby to help stabilize your stepladder or ladder to reach the alarm. You should leave the alarm installed.
Submit your photo of the marked product to the recall website form below.
If you have more than one unit, write the number “1”, “2”, “3”, etc. on each unit next to the word “Recalled” and upload a photo that shows each unit.
Once registered, we will ship the replacement alarm(s).

We have multiple units; how do we register?
If you have more than one unit, follow the instructions above and write the number “1”, “2”, “3”, etc. on each unit next to the word “Recalled” and upload a photo of each unit (can be in one or more pictures, as necessary). You can register all of your alarms once at the same time.
We have been using our smoke alarm without any issues. Can we continue to use it?
You should only continue to use the existing smoke alarm until you have received and installed your replacement smoke alarm. It is important to install your replacement smoke alarm as soon as you receive it. Once it is installed, remove and dispose of recalled smoke alarm as directed below.
What should I do when I receive my replacement alarm?
Immediately install the replacement alarms
Carefully review and follow the installation instructions to install the alarm.
If installing the alarm at a higher location, such as on or near a ceiling, please proceed with caution. You should have another adult nearby to help stabilize your stepladder or ladder to install the alarm.
Carefully remove the recalled smoke alarm.
If removing the alarm from a higher location, such on or near a ceiling, please proceed with caution. You should have another adult nearby to help stabilize your stepladder or ladder to reach the alarm.
Remove the batteries from the recalled smoke alarm.
Recalled lithium-ion batteries should be disposed of in accordance with any local and state ordinances, following the procedures established by your municipal recycling center for damaged/defective/recalled lithium batteries, because these potentially hazardous batteries must be handled differently than other batteries. Do not throw this recalled battery in the trash. Do not deposit this recalled battery in used battery recycling boxes found at various retail and home improvement stores.
Dispose of the recalled smoke alarms (without the batteries) in the trash.
Are any other Three61, the owner of the Samurai brand, products being recalled?
No other Three61, the owner of the Samurai brand, products are included in this recall.
My smoke alarm malfunctioned previously, and I want to report it.
We would like to hear about your experience. Please contact us directly at recall@samuraibrands.com. Please explain what happened and provide your contact information. A member of our team will reach out to you to learn more.
I need other assistance with this recall.
Please contact us directly at recall@samuraibrands.com.